The 2017 weather calendar is coming up ... all we need is your pictures.
All profits will be donated to the BBC Children in Need fund.
If you have a photograph that you think represents the current month’s weather here in the North East & Cumbria, we’d love to see it.
Or posted to:
Look North Weather Pictures
BBC Broadcasting Centre
Barrack Road
NE99 2NE
Please include the name, address and contact telephone number of the photographer, the location of the photo and any other relevant information.
The photos should be in landscape format and, if emailing, should be attached as jpeg files.
The BBC e mail system has a 10MB email file size limit, so images may need to be reduced for sending. Let us know also if there is a higher resolution version of the image available (should it be selected).
You can send more than one photo, but please be selective and send us your favourites. We show some of the images on Look North and on our online gallery pages.
Each photo is also considered for our Look North Weather Picture Competition. A monthly shortlist is compiled by our team which is then shown to a guest judge or judges.
They then select the picture for the month and the decision is shown on Look North.
The twelve selected pictures make up the Look North Weather Calendar which is sold with all profits going to BBC Children in Need.
(In order to get the calendar printed in time, we delve into the previous year’s photo archive to find our October, November and December winning pictures.)