Within the Friary Community Hospital there is Victoria ward which contains 18 beds – 12 are for GP use and six for intermediate care.
Patients are admitted for a variety of reasons: acute illness, palliative/terminal care, rehabilitation following general surgery, medical crisis or orthopaedic surgery, assessment and/or monitoring of new drug therapy or convalescence to enable discharge plans to be completed.
Following its latest inspection of the hospital, the Care Quality Commission reported the services we provide are ‘good’ overall and meeting all CQC national standards.
Medical cover is also provided by GPs who are only available by calling 06. If you need to see a GP, please do not use the Victoria Ward switchboard or Friary clinics number. The GPs who operate from our hospital are part of . Eight practices use the facilities regularly and three practices by negotiation. An occupational therapist and a physiotherapist support the nursing team. A multi-disciplinary approach is taken with an emphasis on assessment and rehabilitation.
The trust works jointly with North Yorkshire social services to provide an intermediate care facility. Suitable clients are able to benefit from a proactive rehabilitation program for up to six weeks. This involves occupational therapy and physiotherapy, and is supported by a team of dedicated healthcare assistants who initiative the programme. The day unit has facilities for up to 10 patients at a time to attend for day care and is available on Monday and Wednesday.
Therapy sessions available include dietetics, speech therapy, chiropody, physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Outpatient clinics include: surgical, orthopaedic, medicine, rheumatology, paediatrics, mental health, family planning and audiology.