Bus and travel in North and West Yorkshire. Timetables, routes and passes information from Connexionsbuses.
Bus services for Harrogate and the surrounding North Yorkshire area including bus routes to Ripon, Boroughbridge, York, Wetherby and Knaresborough. Bus services for Otley and the surrounding West Yorkshire area including bus routes to Holt Park, Wharfedale Hospital, Ilkley and Burley in Wharfedale.
We accept all English National Concessionary Travel passes subject to the appropriate time of use.
- North Yorkshire – after 09:00 Monday to Friday and all day Saturday
- West Yorkshire – after 09:30 Monday to Friday and all day Saturday
We offer great value return tickets and also a travel anywhere day ticket priced at £7.50 which is available from the driver. Please note that we do not accept Transdev tickets on our buses.
Great Value 10 journey tickets are available on certain routes – please contact us for details.