It is a way of providing support that puts children, young people and families at the centre of the assessment and planning process, to make sure that their views are not only heard but also understood. This process focuses on what is important for children and young people, i.e. what they and you want to achieve now and in the future.
How the process works
At the start of the assessment, you and your child will have the opportunity to say what's working, what's not working and what you think needs to change. At the same time we will gather information from the other people involved and arrange a meeting for you all to agree the outcomes and how you think they can best be met. Remember that this is all about a partnership between you and the professionals involved to make the right decisions for you as a family.
The assessment and planning process needs to be completed in 20 weeks.
Near the end of this period, the multi-agency group will meet again to confirm the plan and decide what support you might be eligible for to meet the agreed outcomes.
The plan will be clear about how much things cost and will have agreed timescales to make sure that it is updated and reviewed regularly.
The plan will go with your child as they change services, change schools and also when they leave school and go on to college, work-related training or employment.
Personal budgets
A personal budget is a sum of money made available for children and young people who require additional support over and above what is available to most children and young people through local services.
Personal budget resources may come from education, health or social care which families can use to support their disabled child or young person's assessed needs.
Children and young people with SEND and their families can have more choice, flexibility and control over the services that they are assessed as needing from education, health and social care to help them achieve their goals. One way of doing this is through a direct payment. If you have an education, health and care plan, you have the right to request a direct payment for education, health and care services.