Volunteers help by surveying public rights of way, carrying out footpath and bridleway improvements and conservation tasks such as clearing invasive species such as Himalayan balsam. Visit countryside volunteers to find out more.
North Yorkshire Rotters
The North Yorkshire Rotters are a group of enthusiastic volunteers working to help people reduce their waste and save money by promoting home composting, Love Food Hate Waste, re-use and other campaigns and projects.
Volunteers are supported by a volunteer co-ordinator and receive full training to help them in their role as volunteers in the community.
The volunteers give talks and demonstrations and attend a wide range of events from some of North Yorkshire's biggest events such as the Great Yorkshire Show to small village fairs offering friendly help and advice to local people who would like to reduce their waste and save money.
Library volunteers - you can make a difference
Libraries across North Yorkshire are looking for volunteers to help with a variety of duties. In return, they offer people the chance to make a positive difference in their local communities. Find out more about becoming a library volunteer here.
Youth justice service
There are opportunities for volunteers in four main roles:
- Referral panel members sit on community panels, which meet with young people, their parents and sometimes their victims, to agree a contract to repair harm that has been caused and prevent further offending;
- Appropriate adults attend police stations to support young people who have been arrested and whose parents are unable to attend;
- Reparation supervisors lead unpaid community work projects; and
- Mentors to support young people.
Harrogate, Craven, Richmondshire and Hambleton areas
Email: paul.whalley@northyorks.gov.uk
Telephone: 0776 483 8829
Scarborough and Whitby, Ryedale and Selby areas
Email: ed.horwood@northyorks.gov.uk
Telephone: 93
Volunteering opportunities in North Yorkshire
Local volunteer centres have details of the many community and voluntary groups looking for volunteers across the county and will take you through the process of finding and applying for an opportunity that's right for you.