Our aim is to reduce our energy needs and develop Richmond as a more resilient and sustainable community.
To raise awareness in Richmond of environmental issues
To engage and build networks with local individuals and organisations regarding these issues
To empower local residents to particpate in practical projects such as food growing, habitat protection, waste reduction, and in supporting the local economy
We do this because a world using less energy and fewer resources, and maintaining biodiverstiy, will be more resilient and sustainable, providing a more hopeful future for us and for future generations. We are open to working with everyone. We welcome diversity and see it as a strength.
Our History
TRY (Transition Richmond Yorkshire) was launched in November 2009 by a small group of Richmond residents who had been inspired by reading the Transition Handbook; 'transition' – in the specific sense – was an unfamiliar term to us, but we instantly recognised the goals of the movement. Richmond is officially recognised as a Transition Town by The Transition Network.
We were awarded Green Project of the Year for 2012/13 (Richmondshire District Council)
More information
TRY is involved with gardening community spaces in Richmond.
TRY is currently focussing on local habitats, and especially on pollinating insects.
TRY has particular links with Just the Job.