.. for centuries. Again it was a bustling, busy place with hundreds of families and groups enjoying the pleasant weather. We parked the car in one of the large car parks near the railway station and strolled along the river admiring the views of boats of all shapes and sizes and the picturesque houses lining the hillsides along the river. We looked around the shops and bought Fletcher another pair of reading glasses and stopped for a coffee and cake at ...
We had tried to book in to a good looking Italian restaurant across from the pub but it was booked out for the next two nights. The owner recommended a new Tapas bar so we went there and though again it was booked out, the ...
Still raining, no sign of letting up, my recommendation to anyone doing this walk is " do not do the back packing " it is too demanding, I spoke to a guy on route today who said he has a thousand walkers through his cafe a year, and he has never had walkers with ...
To went to cook breakfast, it was to wet to light up the burners, Frosties bar it is then. Relentless rain all day, the weight of the packs are testing and getting heavier with the rain, 20 miles covered, no blisters, really pleased I invested in good boots, as these are imperative, really need ...
It's 04.00 and I cannot sleep, I'm I still in Canada time, probably not !! Do I admit that nerves may be settling in. !!!.
Day 1 commences, it's rained all day, not a good start, really think I could do with a pack horse, found one but he looks in worse shape than me, it's 1800 and we are camping down for the night after covering 19 miles ...