Our holidays always seem to begin at Wetherspoons! Got dropped off by the in laws at the train station to start our adventure! And my bestie called in to see us off! Thanks so much dawn!! Pint of Guinness before the train to Manchester airport! We are so excited! And a little bit nervous to be fair. Not just for the 15 hour (!) flight either! It's such ...
, 30 photosMy first time at Kings Cross Station was a treat - there's a Real Food Market on Friday nights and, although I was very tired, I did a circuit of it and bought a piece of shortbread for the trip home (it was soggy, having sat out in the air all afternoon - ah well!). I'm aware that I am finally comfortable managing trains and the underground - it feels SO good to ...
, 5 photos... the Waltons are likely to have attended was originally called Knaresborough Rural Grammar School, then it became Knaresborough Modern Grammar School and now it is called King James Grammar School. Next year, the school will celebrate, wait for it . 400 years! I didn't get to even see the school - next time :-) The story goes that King James Grammar wanted to acquire the Knaresborough cricket club grounds, which ...
Back at the apartment we had lunch, did laundry, and chilled out for the rest of the day. I thought we were leaving tomorrow BUT it turns out we have a whole other day in York tomorrow. We plan on going to a ghost walk, the Viking Experience, and maybe the York Dungeons.
... It was like they had everything to offer for every kind of student.
When the tour was done, we went to join a class for a lecture. We joined a philosophy class, and i was surprised that we actually were able to keep up with the other students and understand what the teacher was saying. It was a fun experience and we were very positive about it afterwards.
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