This refers to housing that is owned by the local council or a housing association. It is advisable to contact the district or borough council to put your name on the housing register and fill in an application form.
A scheme called 'choice based lettings' operates in North Yorkshire in all districts and boroughs except Harrogate. Each week there is a list of available homes advertised on the Council's website. If you see a house that you like you "bid" for that house.
Private landlord
This means renting from someone who owns a property. They usually rent it out so they can make money. They are called private landlords and can be:
- a company that owns lots of properties;
- a person or family who owns one or more properties; or
- a charity or group who just rent properties to disabled people.
Private landlords advertise their properties in these places:
- a letting agency or an estate agent;
- an advert in the local newspaper;
- on a sign outside the property;
- on the internet; or
- on a shop noticeboard.
Supported housing
Supported housing is shared housing but sometimes it can be individual flats. In supported housing you are a tenant and pay rent. Welfare benefits can be claimed which means that you have more of your own money than you would for example in residential care. Staffing is dependent on the needs of the people who live there and could be 24 hours a day or a few hours a week. You have shared responsibilities with housemates like cooking, cleaning and paying the bills.
Shared lives
In a 'shared lives scheme' someone is matched with a host family and lives as part of that family. They share family life and live with, or near to, the host family. The host family gives support and care.
This can be for:
- long-term support;
- a short break;
- daytime support; or
- family support for someone who lives nearby, but not with the host family.
Extra care housing
Extra care housing offers a way of supporting you to live independently for as long as you can. Generally extra care housing is for people over 55. However sometimes it is appropriate for a younger person with a disability who has a housing, care or support need and is already living in the town where the scheme is built or in nearby villages; already living in the district/borough area; already living in the county; living outside the area but with a local connection, such as a move to be near family, and living outside the county with no local connection.
There are many schemes across North Yorkshire, usually run by housing associations, and all are home to a mix of residents needing varying levels of support. With extra care you stay in control of your own future, retaining dignity, security and choice.
Extra care housing is different because:
- you are living "in your own home" and not in a home;
- private apartments are available for rent or sale;
- you have your own front door so you control who comes in and when;
- couples and friends can stay together;
- there is a mix of able and less able people to reflect a true community;
- 24-hour care and support services are available on site;
- you get support to keep your independence;
- you can join in social activities or you can be private;
- you have control over your finances and support if you need it to manage them; and
- you have security as the aim is a home for life.
Each extra care housing scheme will have a range of facilities on site, such as a shop; hair and beauty salon, café/restaurant, lounge, hobbies room, and library. Local people are encouraged to make use of the facilities, making the scheme an integral part of local life.
On-site support staff will get to know you and the other residents well and will be able to monitor your day-to-day wellbeing. Flexibility is built into the care, so, if you are temporarily poorly or have spent time in hospital, support can be increased and gradually decreased as you recover.
Anyone wanting to live in the scheme will have to fill in an application and be willing to have their care and support needs assessed. An allocations panel will decide who is offered. It gives you the security and privacy of a home of your own, a range of facilities on the premises and access to 24-hour care and support services, if needed.
Residential care homes
Residential care means having a room in a building shared with a number of other people. Twenty four hour care will be provided on site as will meals.
In the past residential care homes could be 20 or more people and services were inevitably institutional. More recent care homes are usually smaller, 4 - 8 people.