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Current Reviews
Review Score: 9.1 (9.056)
The Review Score of 9.1 (maximum of 10) for Barchester Thistle Hill Care Centre is based on 13 Review/Recommendations in the last 2 years. This Review Score of 9.056 is made up of a Quality Score of 4.75 Points (maximum of 5) relating to the rating and a Quantity Score of 4.306 Points (maximum of 5) relating to the number of positive Reviews/Recommendations.
Click to show a breakdown of the Review Score
The Review Score of 9.056 for Barchester Thistle Hill Care Centre is based on 13 Reviews/Recommendations in the last 2 years.
Quality Score: 5 Points are available for the average rating. For each review the care home / service is rated Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, Poor or Very Poor on a number of areas eg Staff, Management etc. The care home / service receives points for each rating as follows: Excellent = 5. Good = 4. Satisfactory = 3. Poor = 2. Very Poor = 1. These points are added up and then divided by the total number of completed ratings to generate the average rating. (Please note that the ratings of Very Poor and Poor have only been available since the change from Recommendations to Reviews on 7th July 2015.)
The Quality Score (average rating) of 4.75 for Barchester Thistle Hill Care Centre is calculated as follows: ( (113 Excellents x 5) + (33 Goods x 4) + (2 Satisfactorys x 3) ) ÷ 148 Ratings = 4.75
Any Review with 'Extremely Likely' or 'Likely' in answer to the question 'How likely are you to recommend this care provider to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?'
The 5 points available are broken down as follows:
- 3 points for receiving the first Positive Review.
- 0.1 Point per Positive Review, up to a maximum score of 1 Point. (ie a care home / service requires 10 Positive Reviews to receive the maximum score of 1 point.)
- (Number of Positive Reviews ÷ number of registered beds) x 2, up to a maximum score of 1 Point. ie a care home / service has to receive a number of Positive Reviews equal to half of the number of registered beds to obtain the maximum score of 1 point. eg a care home / service with 40 registered beds has to receive 20 Positive Reviews to obtain the maximum score of 1 point.
(For Adult Day Care Centres and Extra Care Housing which do not have a registered number of beds, 1) and 2) are replaced by the formula of 0.2 points per Review, up to a maximum score of 2 points. ie a listing needs 10 Reviews to receive the maximum score of 2 points
The Quantity Score of 4.306 for Barchester Thistle Hill Care Centre is calculated as follows:
- 13 Positive Reviews = 3
- 0.1 x 13 Positive Reviews = 1.300 (maximum score = 1)
- (13 Positive Reviews ÷ 85 Registered Beds) x 2 = 0.306
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Review submitted from a Website Submission by Meg (Daughter of Resident/Service User) on . Review relates to December 2015.
My family and I are extremely pleased with the care my father received in the two years he spent at Thistle Hill (February 2014 until end of December 2015) and would like to take the opportunity to thank all those involved. The staff, without exception, formed very good relationships with him and anticipated his needs very well, responding to him consistently as a valued individual with calmness, skill and good humour, despite the fact that his dementia could cause him to behave in a difficult manner at times.
The end of life care during his last illness was absolutely outstanding and was better than anything we could have hoped for. The skill and compassion of the nurses and carers involved in this were amazing and they frequently went the extra mile. In addition to the fact that his death was enabled to be extremely peaceful and 'right', they never failed to look after us as a family and the ten days we spent between us at his bedside were made as comfortable as possible with numerous very thoughtful gestures being made.
We will never forget Thistle Hill and will recommend you very highly to all family and friends. Thank you.
How likely would you be to recommend Barchester Thistle Hill Care Centre? Extremely Likely