North Yorkshire Timber : North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire Timber

November 13, 2018

The North Yorkshire children's trust board has been set up under the requirements of the Children Act 2004 and represents all the agencies working with children and young people across the county. The trust unites all partners providing services for children and young people at both a strategic and local level. The partners are working together to improve outcomes for children and young people across North Yorkshire.

Safeguarding children board

The North Yorkshire safeguarding children board brings together organisations with responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The board's aim is to ensure all children and young people in North Yorkshire are protected from physical or mental injury or abuse, neglect, maltreatment, sexual abuse or exploitation or harm caused by witnessing violence or abuse. Its work is part of the national every child matters programme. It is also part of the work of the North Yorkshire children's trust.

Safeguarding adults board

The North Yorkshire safeguarding adults board has been set up to protect adults who may be at risk from abuse by promoting co-operation and effective working practices between different agencies. The board membership includes lead officers from social care services, police, health, housing, the Crown Prosecution Service, the Care Quality Commission and voluntary agencies.

The board meets quarterly to ensure that safeguarding policies are fit for purpose and of a high quality. They also consider new national and local developments in safeguarding and look at ways to improve practice. The board also consider lessons learnt and ensure that appropriate training is being delivered effectively to all groups.

Learning disability partnership board

The North Yorkshire learning disability partnership board works to make services for people with learning disabilities better. The board is also working hard to help different people participate in the board; the self advocates forum; the family carers forum; and the local area groups. We want to work with and represent the views of people with a learning disability; family carers; housing organisations; leisure services; colleges; health services; and other groups working with and for people with a learning disability. The board also asks different services and projects to say how the things they do affect the lives of people with learning disabilities and their families.

Physical and sensory impairment partnership board

The aims of the partnership board are to ensure services are planned and delivered in ways that enable disabled people to exercise choice and control over how their additional needs are met and to promote access to the full range of services that many people take for granted, in keeping with the social model of disability. The primary focus of the partnership board is on people of working age. However, areas of service development will include people over 65 and young disabled people in transition to adult services, where this is considered relevant and effective.

Older people's partnership board

The board exists to ensure that the voice of older people is heard. Older people (50+) have a lot to offer and the older people's partnership board recognises this, as well as working to ensure that their needs are met. The board tries to directly influence the priorities, commissioning and service developments of the different agencies.

Cutting timber above Nether Silton, North Yorkshire Moors
Cutting timber above Nether Silton, North Yorkshire Moors
Scania V8 Timber Truck Snow Ice North Yorkshire Hill 6x2
Scania V8 Timber Truck Snow Ice North Yorkshire Hill 6x2
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