A formal consultation period took place and closed on 14 October 2015. All external organisations and our internal departments who had been consulted were required to give their response by this date.
In a letter dated 11 October 2015, the County Planning Authority requested further information and points of clarification from the applicant. In response, this further information was received on 26 October 2015, and required a further re-consultation period of 21 days.
The re-consultation period opened on Wednesday 4 November 2015 and all formal responses from external organisations and our internal departments were required by the closing date of 25 November 2015.
Following a subsequent request for further information from the applicant, the County Council has received further information upon which it is obliged to undertake public consultation. The consultation began on 20 January 2016 for 21 days. This will take us past the 9 February 2016 extension of time date.
However, there remains information outstanding required in order to finalise a report to members to determine the application. Third Energy has been made aware of the position of the council. If further information is received, this may necessitate further consultation.
You can also have your say on the application and all its accompanying documentation including the further information recently received up until the point of determination by the County Council's Planning and Regulatory Functions Committee.
At the meeting of the Planning and Regulatory Functions Committee on 20 October, it was agreed that there would be a formal committee site visit to the Third Energy UK Gas Ltd KM8 well site at Kirby Misperton. A date for the site visit is yet to be decided.
It was also agreed that there would be member training for members and sub-members of the Planning and Regulatory Functions Committee. This training took place on 2 November and was open to all County Councillors. The presentations can be found on the online planning register, under the documents tab on page 47.
The maps below show the application site in a local and county context.
Commenting on the application
If you wish to comment on this application, you can do this in a number of ways.
Through the online planning register
You should be aware that there is a character limit of a 1, 000 characters if you choose this option. If you need to write more, you can use the alternatives below.
Write to us
Planning Services
County Hall
Racecourse Lane
The deadline for the submission of consultation responses on the application to the county council is 25 November.
Important information to note
Please be aware that all comments submitted by you are a matter of public record. Therefore please,
- DO include your surname, initials and address (anonymous comments are not considered); and
- DO NOT include your signature, phone number or any other information you are unwilling to make public.