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Weather forecast Whitby - Monday 21 March 2016
- Relative humidity: 79%
- Maximum humidity: 88%
- Chance of precipitation: 0%
- Precipitation: 0.0mm
- Hours of sunshine: 6h
- Minimum temperature: 2°C
- Maximum temperature: °C
- Sunrise: 06h01
- Sunset: 18h18
- Reliability: 4/5
Data updated at 14:00
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The climate in Whitby
Home to the Whitby Abbey, Whitby is situated on the east coast of Yorkshire. It is a seaside town and port with 13, 200 inhabitants. With the arrival of the railway in the 19th century, tourists developed an interest towards the city and its heritage coastline. On the East cliff, the ruins of the Whitby Abbey, founded in AD 657, are the city’s oldest landmark. The maritime heritage is pointed out by the statues of James Cook and William Scoresby located in the city centre. The city is also famous for being featured in Bram Stocker’s novel, Dracula. The area experiences cool springs, warm summers and mild winters. It is influenced by westerly winds. The average temperature in summer is 18°C and 6°C in wintertime.